36 NOMURA CATALOGO 2024 NOMURA CATCH FO SURE NOMURA 2024 CATALOGUE Una serie di canne telescopiche e in 5 sezioni ultra-compatte, sviluppate per i pescatori urbani moderni e per i viaggiatori; grazie agli ingombri ridottissimi, le Hiro Narita troveranno spazio in qualsiasi borsa o zaino e potrete averle sempre con voi. I fusti ultra sottili ma molto resistenti con innesti spigot, vi consentiranno di combattere sia con piccoli che grandi predatori. Potrai pescare ovunque in qualsiasi momento. Quindi...telescopica o 5 sezioni? CODE LENGTH C.W SECT. CLOSED WEIGHT €UR NM22503019 1.96 m 10-30 g 5 44 cm 108 g NM22504019 1.96 m 15-40 g 5 44 cm 121 g NM22505019 1.96 m 20-50 g 5 44 cm 134 g A series of telescopic and 5 sections ultra-compact rods, developed for the modern city fishing or traveler life style anglers, with a really short transport length it will fit any bag, or basket, and makes easy to take it everywhere. The ultra thin but very strong blanks offer sufficient power to fight small or big predators. You can fish anytime, anywhere. So telescopic or 5 sections?? FORNITA CON CUSTODIA FRAZIONATA DELIVERED IN MULTISECTION CLOTH BAG CODE LENGTH C.W SECT. CLOSED WEIGHT €UR NM22511521 2.10 m 3-15 g 4 58 cm 109 g NM22512022 2.28 m 5-20 g 4 62 cm 120 g NM22513024 2.40 m 10-30 g 4 65 cm 130 g NM22518021 2.10 m 40-80 g 4 58 cm 135 g NM22518024 2.40 m 40-80 g 4 65 cm 149 g FORNITA CON CUSTODIA FRAZIONATA DELIVERED IN MULTISECTION CLOTH BAG